Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 27, November 2nd, 2010

Today I Learned:

Krull is a fascinating watching experience. It's simultaneously cliched, unimaginative, clumsily written and overexcited, while managing to be surprising, overly surrealistic, and minimalistic. It pulls heavily from the cauldron of well worn tropes, taking a prophecy there, a wise mentor who perishes along the way, the powerful sorceress who is synonymous with death, color coded soldiers (though, they manage to have black AND white bad guys, in a daring move that threw me off balance for five seconds) and lackluster lava. I have to admit though, I was surprised at the sheer volume of predictable...ness, and did not anticipate the end because I thought they'd run out of tropes. It also surprised me by having a composer I respect, James Horner, do the soundtrack. To his credit, it was a good match for the movie; against his credit, that's not a good thing. Liam Neeson also appeared in it, which (spoiler) was bad because he DIED. The best actor in the movie and they killed him lamely! He at least could have been riding a unicorn into the sun. Ah well. Anyways, if you like cheesy silly movies? Watch this one, with a friend. It's much more fun that way.

Also, driving in a good rain without windshield wipers is exciting. DO NOT TRY AT HOME.

--Flynn ("All Clear.")

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